
The Warren/Alvarado/Oslo SOS (Supporting our Seniors) helps senior citizens stay in their own homes longer a better quality of life. SOS offers home visits, volunteer services, transportation, nutrition and wellness classes, and other services for home-bound and senior citizens in the Warren, Alvarado, Oslo communities.


To strengthen the community by enhancing the quality of people’s lives.

Our goals are to insulate the Warren SOS from financial support fluctuations, have a strong bond and cooperation and collaboration with other services providers within the community. Program growth through increased referrals, and have a diversified activities program fostering independence living to those residing in the Warren Original School District of Marshall and Polk Counties and Alvarado and Oslo communities.

Board Members

  • Susan Askeland
  • Ann Teigen
  • Nancy Kostmatka
  • Carol Batkco
  • Julie Lind


Susan is the program director at Warren SOS.  She is in charge of coordinating volunteers, delivering NAPS, leading exercise classes, and much more!  Office hours 9-2pm daily.

The outreach coordinator for Alvarado and Oslo is Julie Lind Kosmatka.  Office hours/day Tuesday 9-1pm Oslo Community Center, Friday 9-1pm Alvarado Mall

Warren is a 501 3 C entity.  Program is partially funded by State of Minnesota Live Well at Home Grant. Donations are accepted and can be sent to 110 West Johnson Ave., Ste. 1 Warren, MN  56762.

Warren SOS is affiliated and provider of the Netstudy 2.0. backgrounds checks.

Warren S.O.S (Supporting our Seniors) formally Warren Living at Home/Block Nurse established in 1998